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The CTA Windy Bus and Triple Nova Flyer 3000 'Ladybus' are vehicle concepts based on pre-existing city buses for not-so-distant futures.


The Triple Nova Flyer 3000 Ladybus:


In just a few years’ time there will be roughly 75% less oxygen in the air to breathe as most of it will be bonded as CO2; the intensity of the sun will also be far greater thanks to the massive build up of greenhouse gases and a depleted atmosphere. As a result of these conditions, human bodies (as well other larger organisms) are predicted to shrink by as much as 80% by 2100 in order to keep up with the oxygen intake needed to support survival. In anticipation of these events we have designed a new line of 1,800 buses set to deploy in 2100, the Triple Nova Flyer 3000 ‘Ladybus’. At just shy of a foot and half in length, the Ladybus features powerful flapping solar panels designed to catch the sun's rays from any position, any time of day. 

The bus’s primary navigation system is designed to follow the scent of inks found on certain artifacts in the absence of a proper transit infrastructure  (such as handwritten birthday cards, to-do lists, discarded phone number napkins, etc.). Because of this the Ladybus is an unreliable form of transportation as it is slow and seemingly directionles. However, the bus is also designed to provide excellent protection from large predators which no longer require oxygen and thrive in the warm, toxic atmosphere. Additionally, the Ladybus's special sense for inked-artifacts shows an affiinity for gathering in certain areas such as resdiential ruins, large landfills, and libraries, providing passangers with excellent opportuinities for scavaging or seeking more long-term shelter.

The CTA Windy Bus:


Chicago Winters are already severe, with temperatures as low as -27º! Now imagine a future where Chicago winters are more extreme than's colder and windier than anyone could have imagined. All of our vehicles are outdated and ill equipped to handle such extreme conditions... But have no fear, the CTA Exclusive Windy Bus is designed to help keep Chicago moving, even in the iciest conditions.

Set to debut in 2100, this bus is equipped with heavy duty blades capable of effortlessly gliding across even the most dense and rough expanses of ice. Propelled by the force of the city winds, this bus also features sails that can withstand gusts of up to 250mph as well as sturdy window grates designed to protect passengers from flying debris as large as a mid-size SUV. For an ice city built atop swamp land, the Windy bus is the ideal solution for public transit when salt just doesn't cut it anymore. 

* The buses featured here are fictional 3D renderings designed to promote climate change awareness. This project is not endorsed by the Chicago Transit Authority.


CTA Windy Bus, Triple Nova Flyer (Ladybus)

3D Renderings


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