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3D animation


A video about two lives of a Pooh Bear.

…it just so happened that one fine sweet day, a breeze rolled in 

(though being that the bears were in Chicago it was more like a brief but powerful burst of air)

…that by chance brought the two bears together.


They had not seen each other since they had first met (and been forced to embrace) on Christmas morning. 

From time to time the bears would glimpse each other from beneath a sweater or between the mountains of blankets… but they knew not what to think.


On one hand, each was curious about the other and longed for the mobility required to traverse the distance between them and finally uncover the truth of their (non)(co)existence…

…On the other hand, each felt frightened by the presence of the other, threatened even.


Who were they? And what did love mean for them if they shared the same name? 

How was one supposed to tell themselves from the other, they wondered? 

And more importantly, how could they know who was loved more?

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