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Stepping Stones By Sydney Malu Ayers

Maya, ZBrush

3D render


Stepping stones originally designed and executed in clay form for an elementary school project c. 2002. Re-modeled from memory.

Waiting to leave school, I marveled at my classmates' names scrawled into the clay disks, encrusted with shiny marbles, precious sea shells, and shards of ceramic tiles.

Envious of the girl who used her Barbie's shoes for ornament; curious about the boy who still wrote his 'S's backwards; amazed each time at how much I loved my peers’ beautiful stones.


We took it all in everyday after 3pm, in the warm and fading afternoon sun.

Stowed away snacks came out, secret handshakes were made, songs were sung and games were played on the stepping stone path. 

Our names beneath our feet.

The road to home will always be remembered fondly...

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